YTF is an urban tale that depicts Jesus in the current day and how His ministry began to shake up the world. The Religious Leaders began plotting to trap Him with the help of one of His closest followers, Judas Iscariot. The not-so-perfect Head of the Pharisees' world begins to crumble around him as his hidden sins come back to haunt him. Watch this well-known story unfold with a fresh, new context and become a believer that regardless of time, location, or any other circumstances, Jesus Christ's words and actions are still the same Yesterday, Today and Forever.
Three-time Award-Winning film at 2013 San Francisco Black Film Festival, 2013 Peachtree Village International Film Festival, and the 2013 Kingdomwood Christian Film Festivl.
(C) 2012, HOPE Multimedia Company. Written, Produced, and Directed by Domingo Guyton. DP: Adam Starr. Starring Jason Cross, David J. Curtis, Alice Silber, Phillip Wornum, Bradey "Phanatik" Goodwin, Jr., Kirk Parks and Vanessa Leigh.